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    Se vi piace una delle mie foto e volete utilizzarla: scrivetemi!

    Le informazioni contenute in questo blog sono di carattere personale, informativo e divulgativo: ogni decisione presa dai lettori del blog in base ai contenuti qui presenti, è da considerarsi altrettanto personale. I commenti dei lettori sono da ritenersi altrettanto personali.

    NB: Le foto scaricate da Internet sono selezionate fra quelle rilasciate sotto licenza Creative Commons con permessi relativi all’uso commerciale, alla possibilità di modifica e di adattamento. Qualora gli autori desiderassero chiederne la rimozione, per qualsiasi motivo, è sufficiente contattarmi via e-mail.


    In addition to the standard "blogger" disclaimer I add the following:

    All text on this site adheres to the writers copyright. My text, blog & content remains copyright to myself, please do not “scrape” my text or publish it in any other place, simply link here.

    The views expressed by the authors on this website are those of the authors and theirs alone. They are not representative of their work colleagues or relationships. Their views may, and probably will, change over time rendering previous comments potentially inaccurate. In addition the authors of this website may not agree with the views held by websites that link to this blog. This blog may also link to other websites, this does not imply that the authors agree with all the views and comments on that website.

    Comments left on this website are the sole responsibility of their writers and the writer will take full responsibility, liability, and blame for any libel or litigation that results from something written in or as a direct result of something written in a comment. The accuracy, completeness, veracity, honesty, exactitude, factuality and politeness of comments are not guaranteed.

    About the pictures, for any inaccuracy or missing credits, please feel free to contact me.



